Adore Beauty Pty Ltd

Monday, 29 June 2015

Changing your make up to compliment a new hair colour.

Since I have dyed my hair pink (see the results on my instagram) I have felt the need to wear more make up to compliment my new hair.   To be honest it suits me for the time being as winter in Melbourne has definitely meant I can wear more make up.  If you are thinking about a colour change don't forget to update your make up too.

Heres a few tips to change up your make up for a bit of a hair change.

{Going darker}

~ Chances are if you are going darker or richer in colour you will need to warm up your complexion somewhat to stop you from looking washed out... enter bronzer stage left.  Use it in a sculptural way as opposed to piling it all on all over (particularly if like me you are in winter right now) read how to Contour with Powder Bronzer.
~ Check your eyebrow colour still works.  I have always wanted to ask Rock N Roll Bride creator Kat Williams how she decides on what eyebrow colour to use when she has blue hair, in reality I know what colour I would use if I was doing her make up but it's something you really need to get right.  If you're going for a darker hair tone consider whether you need to darken your brow colour.
~ I have found I need to define my eyes much more with this hair so have been using my freehand liner technique everyday.  Once you get the hang of it it really is the easiest way to do liner.  If you want a softer look you can use the same technique with an angled brush and some dark brown/grey eyeshadow. Here's the how to:

  • Hold the pen horizontally and very tight to your lashes (make sure you are using the long side of the pen)  I like to start about three quarters of the way along (this helps to keep the eye look open and wide)
  • Slowly and carefully draw small strokes along the lash line (keeping tight to the lashes) if you need to pull your eyelid up slightly to get to the lashline go ahead and do this (you don't want any gaps) aim for a thin, neat line which means you can build up thickness if required
  • Once you have your horizontal line along the lash line pull the line upwards and out (imagine your lower lashline being stretched up toward your brow as your guideline)
  • Once you are happy with the length start from the point and bring it back down at an angle to make a (kind of) triangle shape
  • Fill in the gap so it's all black read more on winged eyeliner with gel liner

  • {Going Lighter}

    ~ Depending on the look you've went for you can likely tone back on your everyday make up you can still do a lovely bronzed glow but maybe go lighter on the eye's and stick to a neutral palette
    ~ Get the eyebrows right.  Chose a lighter tone for filling and creating shape. Remember you can mix colours to ensure you don't go too dark.
    ~ Make sure your skin is glowing use an illuminator under your foundation or a highlighter on top of your base, or if like me you love to glow, use both!
    ~ Going for ombre or balayage is a great best of both worlds method for changing your hair colour you might not need to adjust your make up too much.
    ~ If you have gone a cool lighter colour (like the gorgeous greys and pastels I'm lusting over) make sure you don't use too warm a bronzer you want a subtle and light bronze enough to provide warmth but not make you look yellow/orange against cool tone hair.  The gorgeous Kelly Osbourne is showing what I mean here. Check out my lighter bronzer option in the shop the post section below.

    {Shop Now}

    Pop by my Lustworthy List for a full list of handpicked products by me where you can click straight through to buy.  This is a new project you will be able to buy under steal or splurge categories.  I hope you enjoy!

    Have you thought about a drastic hair colour change?  Did you think about you might need to change your make up or wardrobe choices? I'd love to hear about it, Amy x

    Monday, 22 June 2015

    You are doing great...

    I have never been good at taking my own advice. Its a major issue really.  I have had so many conversations with my friends over the years where I give them my age old advice nugget of wisdom which is....'don't be so hard on yourself".  I hear myself say it to others all the time and no matter what that persons situation is in life and what ever issue they are dealing with this certain piece of wisdom always seems to apply.  Because we are.  We are all too hard on ourselves.   Although I dole it to out to others I struggle to take heed of that all important lesson.  

    This is the thing there's a major gap between what we know and what we do.  I nearly pursued a PhD in this exact subject part of me wishes I did because I would one be a genius if I worked it out and two I would be totally content in that I would be doing all of the things thats you're meant to do to be ultimately happy, healthy, wealthy, fulfilled and all those other things we all are striving for and, probably, giving our selves a hard time about. 

    My friend has a saying, (and if you read this you will know who you are as I have never heard this expression pass anyone else lips in my life). I was moaning  on about some issue, a wrinkle on my forehead or a pimple that had popped up and she said 'a blind man would love to see that wrinkle' it instantly made me laugh and simultaneously realise I was being ridiculous.  The thing is we often look at ourselves in the worst light, give ourselves the hardest time, measure ourselves against others or a previous version of ourselves (I am terrible for that one)  no idea why as it's not constructive or motivating.  It's negative.   So if you are at all like me here is my little reminder to myself.  I'm saving this one as my home screen on my phone and repeating to self regularly for optimum effect.  I invite you to do the same if you like me need a little reminder....

    Have you got a little trick to remind yourself not to be so hard on yourself? I would love to hear them!