I just timed out myself from my nearly three year old. I say nearly three because admitting this adorable little two year old has brought me to tears for the fifth time this week seems like a feeble mother thing to admit...nearly three is almost a whole extra year of tantrums to really perfect the art you know.
She's perfected it alright. A broken glass on the floor so I tell her to stay where she is while I get the mop/hoover/perform heroic bare foot acts to remove the peril of a shattered tumbler. Of course she doesn't stay still "it's OK mummy I just walk round it...remember?" she tells me. Oh great thanks, child of mine, break it down for me why don't you? Seriously, me and her clash we're both competing for the head of the house, who is in charge, is it me the 34 year old, well educated, reasonably successful mother of two or is this cute little powerhouse of sheer determination and might. We all know who it is but I will never admit to it. I'm looking for a breakthrough. One day we'll butt heads and I'll be the winner she'll finally realise I'm in charge and she'll bow down politely hahahaha such an unlikely, hilarious idea I've just coughed up half of the almond croissant I smuggled in here to accompany my time out.
Will I ever get over this? Will we both back off with our needs to be the dominant female and end up in a blissful state of equilibrium? I have no idea, probably not but mummy time outs are proving way more effective that toddler time outs, a lot less tears, a lot less crying, think this might be the way to go.
Shakespeare was right ...
I think I will order this from Etsy for Poppy's room it's perfect for her x |