Adore Beauty Pty Ltd

Thursday, 26 February 2015

How to make a DIY Vision/Inspiration Board

Before I moved to Australia I spent hours and hours on Pinterest deciding how I was going to decorate our new home, how our existing furniture and trinkets would fit and how it would all come together.  Hard when you have no idea what the house you are moving into is going to look like.  What I did know was I wanted a designated work space that I could write at and be my own little corner of inspiration with a beautiful vision/inspiration board where I can pin things (and I mean actually pin in real life person) not on pinterest.

{the diy}

  • I picked up cheap cork board from the local DIY shop and opted for a beachy/whitewashed poster frame to put it into (I really wanted a large ornate gold frame but as my budget was not $300 I was not going to get it.  I stand by the fact it would have looked divine!)
  • Next prize off the frame from the cork board (in my case I enlisted the help of husband) I made sure I chose a flimsy board for this reason, you can get cork on rolls but this option seemed cheaper and easier to me.
  • I discarded the glass from my whitewash frame and inserted the cork board and glued it straight on the back of the frame

  •  Next I treated myself to some lovely fancy and inspiring stationery.  I love stationery sad I know but I do I can't help it and I always hear a deep in breathe from husband when I head off to Kikki.K (fabby brand of stationery and general gorgeous goodies, they deliver world wide) 
  • Things to buy: some fancy push pins, string & mini pegs, general lovely things to adorn your board
  • Colour- choosing one or two main colours for your accessories will be sure to pull it altogether and keep a theme going even though in reality it will end up a mishmash of colour and textures.  I chose gold & turquoise to compliment my logos 
  • Include elements from nature such as the pine cone and shell (collected by Ollie), a flower from Poppy's naming day, this will ensure there's interest and variety on your board and also remind you of the great outdoors when your sat in front of your desk

  • Here's my finished inspiration/vision board, well I say finished but it's meant to be a work in progress.  I have chosen items to remind me of previous fabulous things I have created (such as my handmade feather crown I made for a shoot), notes and quotes given to me by friends, our wedding invite, and just things that I hope will inspire and entertain as I sit in my little corner.  

I've got some printable quotes to frame and hang then next on my list is a few old school clipboards to hang on the wall so I can keep my to do list and new project ideas 'in my face'.  What do you do to keep yourself inspired and organised?

Thanks for reading...soundtrack today was Mumford & Sons 'Little Lion Man' I painted my kitchen cabinets to this album and ever since it's my go to track when ever I need to get stuff done...often with a glass of red.

{here's a recap}

Monday, 23 February 2015

Changing directions...

So at 17 you're meant to decide what it is your going to do for the rest of your life, right?

That's pretty much it isn't it? Well even before that you are choosing the subjects you're going to do to get you were you are going, you're choosing whether your going to uni, whether you should get a job, whether there other options and routes you can take.  

I did a Psychology degree and did well, I got a first class, but it's never what I say when someone asks me what I consider as one of my achievements. To be honest since I got it I'm quite embarrassed to mention it and never offer it up in conversation.  Why? I don't think it did me any favours.   I went to university at 17 with no idea why I was going there, I didn't know what else I wanted to do I left with an amazing degree result and no idea what to do with it.  I still don't.  It took me until I was in my late twenties to have the guts to try something completely different and change my direction.  Whenever I find myself at a cross roads in my life I find myself back asking that question of what it is I want to be when I grow up.

My friend gave me this quote many years ago and it's always given me some solace that I'm certainly not the only person that has internal dilemmas with what they should be/want to be/actually do...

"It was also Miuccia Prada who said 'I thought fashion was stupid because I thought there were more intelligent and noble professions, like politics" and I think every woman has this hesitation at one time or another. I did. I spent four years at college trying to find out what I wanted to do that did not involve the fashion industry.  But I always came back to it.  And not for the free samples (which are not as free as you might think).  I came back to it because I was in love with style, and I finally recognised it as something important and influential" Nina Garcia, The Little Black Book of Style.

I suppose what I'm saying is that it's OK to take a change in direction, that choosing something that might seem riskier, that following your heart can be the right thing to do, that starting out from scratch (again) isn't a bad choice.  What do you think?  Can you change around what 'you do'? Have you thought about a 'career change'? 

Thank you Cherry for sending me this quote all those years ago I still think of it every time I question what it is I should do/be (which happens a lot!) here it is pride of place on my inspiration board | soundtrack today was 'Princess Sophia, Poppy on the iPad next to me...don't judge me)

Thursday, 12 February 2015

What does your lipstick say about you?

With a lack of any actual make up for me to play with (I don't have my kit shipped to Australia yet I'm limited to what tutorials I can create) sooooo I thought we could have a bit of lipstick fun...what does your lip colour say about your personality?

You're happy to let your eyes do the talking, mysterious & understated suits you well, you are intriguing and have a relaxed & effortless style, you're sultry and can be deep you're not afraid to let your natural beauty to shine through.

Pink, Orange, Purples your go to lip is bright & fresh, your personality is fun, carefree, with a great sense of humour, you are high energy & fun to be around and don't care much what other people think of you.

Sophistication is your strong point, you're not afraid of being bold, your style is classic & timeless, you can handle yourself in any situation and have a natural air of grace but can be feisty.

You're sexy and confident, you are sassy and you're not afraid to show it, you're extremely feminine, passionate, a bit of  a vamp, admired by women and men alike.

Ok, so it's a bit of fun what lipstick are you most drawn to? I personally like them what does that say about my personality!? x

*click on your choice of {lip look} to see my handpicked product can purchase directly via these links please be aware these do contain affiliate links/images courtesy of Pinterest*

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Can you have Roots & Wings?

The first time I heard the expression 'Roots & Wings' was in my dad's Father of the Bride speech.  I had just returned from a 4 year stint in Australia to come home to Scotland and get married.  When my dad said it that day, my wedding day, I felt instant tears prick. Because, one, I knew he was proud of me for what I had done, gone off into the big bad world to try things out for myself, to see what the world had to offer, to just go out there and be me and, two, how proud he was that I had came home to my roots.  To where I was meant to be.

SO here I am over 5 years later not very many weeks off my return to Australia and I heard that expression come up again and it hurt.  Right in the heart!  The thing is I really makes me ask myself what it means to me and where do I fit in?   Are roots and wings ever a permanent thing? And can you have both?  Can you have roots and can you have wings? Or if you give in to one are you completely disrespecting the other? Now here I am dislodging my roots to open my wings again and it's exciting and challenging, but it hurts. Hurts to know how it effects my family, my friends, my kids, my kids friends, my kids friends mums, my work, my world, what I've worked so incredibly hard at building up, what and who I'm leaving.

I'm not the only person who's ever done it and I know that.  I suppose everyone goes through times were they are pulled in more than one direction, who might feel a split, who struggle to work out where they fit in and I take solace in that.   I still don't know the answer maybe I will work it out.  I'm sure my own kids will test me on it in the future.  I know they will and I know that will not make it any easier when it happens and it's my child spreading they're wings.  So what do you think? Can you have both? Should we have to choose? 

(So I wrote this a while ago I just never had the guts to hit publish so here it is in all it's bitter sweet, heart on my sleeve glory.  Soundtrack was (completely by chance but very relevant)  A Thousand Miles (Live Acoustic) - Vanessa Carlton.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Mummy ramblings ...

I just timed out myself from my nearly three year old. I say nearly three because admitting this adorable little two year old has brought me to tears for the fifth time this week seems like a feeble mother thing to admit...nearly three is almost a whole extra year of tantrums to really perfect the art you know.

She's perfected it alright.  A broken glass on the floor so I tell her to stay where she is while I get the mop/hoover/perform heroic bare foot acts to remove the peril of a shattered tumbler.   Of course she doesn't stay still "it's OK mummy I just walk round it...remember?" she tells me. Oh great thanks, child of mine, break it down for me why don't you? Seriously, me and her clash we're both competing for the head of the house, who is in charge, is it me the 34 year old, well educated, reasonably successful mother of two or is this cute little powerhouse of sheer determination and might. We all know who it is but I will never admit to it.  I'm looking for a breakthrough.  One day we'll butt heads and I'll be the winner she'll finally  realise I'm in charge and she'll bow down politely hahahaha such an unlikely, hilarious idea I've just coughed up half of the almond croissant I smuggled in here to accompany my time out. 

Will I ever get over this? Will we both back off with our needs to be the dominant female and end up in a blissful state of equilibrium? I have no idea, probably not but mummy time outs are proving way more effective that toddler time outs, a lot less tears, a lot less crying, think this might be the way to go.

Shakespeare was right ...

I think I will order this from Etsy for Poppy's room it's perfect for her x

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Make up to WORK your specs

Sometimes I love my specs sometimes I hate them "Hello Giggles" hit the nail on the head with their article (read up here) which inspired me to write this post.  So here's 5 ways I have found, in my experience, that glasses generally rock my make up wearing world.

{bye bye tired eyes}
If you are having a particularly "tired/hungover/beenupdoingthenightfeed(s) eye kind of day" reach for the specs.  Wearing your glasses can disguise those under eye bags like no concealer I know.  If you are going for this option either forget the concealer completely and opt for a hydrating eye cream or mix the two on the back of your hand and apply for a lighter, hydrating and concealing, combo.

{balance is everything}
Feel like going for a statement lip?  Wearing a bright or bold colour on your lips can be a great way to balance the face when wearing your specs.  Often when you pop your glasses on your eye make up is seriously toned down, why waste your time then? One of my favourite avec-glasses looks is lashings of mascara with curled lashes and a hot pink/bright orange/bold red lip.  Love it and super easy (follow my long lasting lip lesson for tips) or if you are not used to wearing a bold lip work up to it by wearing a stain on your lips, something that adds colour but is still transparent and natural looking. 

{all about the finishing touches}
Not many of us manage to actually apply make up whilst wearing our specs (cue some awkward back breaking stance in front of the sink trying to get close enough to the mirror) apply finishing touches with your frames on.  Pop your blush on slightly lower than you would normally, it might sound strange but put your glasses on now and try it I promise you will see what I mean.  Don't spare on highlighter you can still have highlighted cheekbones whilst wearing frames and this will contribute to the brighter eye goal (see above) and you can most definitely do contour with glasses.

{the ticket to experiment} 
Given that your glasses are likely to tone down whatever make up you put on your eyes why not try experimenting with a much darker, smokier looking eye.  You might be put off wearing an evening smokey eye during the day but wearing one with your specs can give you a proper power look. Technique needn't be your strong point as the glasses can hide a multitude of sins (stick to my smokey eye technique as a fail-safe).  The only reverse of this is if you opt for rimless or very neutral frames then you may need to apply a little more caution.  Keep lips nude for an effortless, chic look.

{beware of the brow}
I have done this myself, probably on more than one occasion, over defined my eyebrows when wearing my specs.  What happens just look angry.  Particularly with a heavy rim frame.  Keep your brows filled in but natural looking to stop yourself from looking like an evil genius, unless of course that was what you were going for.  

If you are stuck in a rut when it comes to making your specs work with your make up look to the big advertisers for inspiration. They generally get it bang on.  Here's a few of my favourites...wear them with pride ladies x

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Overcoming if

'If' is such a small word isn't it?  Or is it?

Just two little letters that can just stop you in your tracks. It's a powerhouse in the form of a conjunction, it's conditional on something else, usually, and sometimes my head is full of ifs. 

"If I had those cute $150 trainers I'm sure I would take up running and be trim and toned by now" 

"If I had done graphic design at uni I would be able to create all the wonderful lovely creative things I have stuck in my head that I can't seem to get out"

"If  it wasn't raining I could get out and get some fresh air..."

If's don't need to be so negative.  I'm working on putting a positive slant on all of those debilitating, insecurity causing 'if's'.

'what' meets 'if' and I follow it up with a '?'

All of a sudden 'if' sounds so much more positive when preceded with 'what'.

"what if you forget the expensive running shoes put on your regular shoes and just go for a walk??"

"what if I explore what I can do with my creativity and if I really want to know how to do things I just go for it and learn from other means and ways"

"what if I just take an umbrella or even a raincoat and just get myself out there?"

There is always 'what ifs' to my 'ifs'  it makes them a challenge instead of a blocker.

Soundtrack today James Morrision singing "Man in the Mirror" love him reminds me of my wedding day x